Nuvision Holographic Scaling Therapy

  • A faster and more accurate solution to traditional methods for identifying a subject’s physical or emotional state.
  • An independent unbiased perspective.
  • A quicker system for evaluating your client’s issues.

Natural health guidance using NuVision

Using the SCIO and NuVision devices, we work to identify body and psyche issues keeping you from wellbeing. This can be called 'computerized kinesiology'. Once identified, we work with you to provide a strategy for moving forward. A part of this strategy is using the devices in their other dimension - what can be called 'computerized homeopathy'. This together with information about diet , lifestyle, supplements, and herbs can set you on the path to healing.

NuVision helps uncover the imbalances and underlying causes of ill health. That information may be herbal, nutritional, or mental/emotional. What if your long standing physical symptom is because of what you believe or say to yourself? What if it's because of your job or your relationship? What if it's because you live in the past and you are still holding on to old relationships, guilt, or regrets? What if your fatigue is something simple like you are low in minerals? What if you have parasites? In the traditional health care model, these are not even considered and drugs are easily prescribed to mask symptoms, but the drugs never fix the underlying problem. If you are ready to try and do something different, consider natural medicine

How does NuVision enhance the field?


When identifying information from the subject is submitted to the software— a subject's holographic token is created.


From then on the user can read the relevant issues the subject reflects on his or her field, choose the relevant worksets that match holographically with the subject’s field and activate “reconnects”.


These reconnects are information pockets, that when set in motion, can trigger potentially beneficial influences on the subject’s information field.

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